Wednesday 26 January 2011

Casual Levelling Diary – Week 2

Days 8-12
With things stalled on the AH side all I could do with inscription was research additional minor glyphs.
It took time for me to learn my way around Stormwind so that I could complete my daily quests quickly. The Alliance seems to have slightly more difficult quests, especially ‘Rock Lobster’ where the level 85 sharks are a real menace.
The remaining time is spent doing a few quests in Goldshire. I reached level 14 this way.

Day 13
After re-posting each day my first glyph finally sold for 15g, this gave me enough gold to buy enough herbs to make 3 glyphs. I selected these by looking at what glyphs gave me the best skill ups (i.e. orange-amber-green) and checking the current price on the AH. As my range of glyphs improve so will my sales per day from them. I had also collected a stack of Stringy Wolf Meat and I put this on the AH for 55g which undercut the only other listing on the AH. To my surprise this sold which together with the two glyphs I sold by the following day gave me over 100g.

Day 14
With a nice sum of gold I was able to buy enough herbs to make 10 different glyphs as well as starting to make Lion’s Ink. At this point I didn’t have time to do any questing other than dailies, I reached level 15 however. Even after purchasing herbs up to the value of 50s each I still had 20-35g left over. This gave each glyph sold a profit of around 7.5g which I used to buy herbs for more inks. Each time I sold a glyph a made a note of it. This will help later when I focus on which glyphs to make regularly, doing this will leave more time for levelling. I will probably spend 15 minutes once a week making inks and glyphs and then just replacing sold glyphs each day and reviewing each week. This method has worked on other realms with inscription skills of around 150.

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